
Mark Tucker - THAT Guide

Mark Tucker

I am the senior adventurer. I have been adventuring longer than any of the other THAT guides, probably because they are my kids (either naturally or unofficial adoption).  In fact actually this is all my fault. After years of dragging my kids on adventures they are now dragging me out on new adventures. It started with me taking them skiing and hiking now they take me climbing and mountain biking. My kids keep me young while I try to keep up with them. I refuse to grow up!

I’ve been guiding officially and unofficially for years from Montana to Arizona and throughout Utah.  My favorite summer activities are hikes, canyoneering and backpack trips while I ski all winter. I am a PSIA certified ski instructor, I have been sharing my love for skiing for 18 years. Luckily I have a wonderful wife of 36 years that puts up with all our adventures.

Lane Tucker - THAT guide

Lane Tucker

Having three children, I am hoping to instill an adventurous spirit in them so that at some point they to can join us as . I have a degree from University of Utah in Recreation so I literally went to school to play outside. I love to share my love of the outdoors with anyone who will follow me, especially my kids. I ski & snowboard, ski tour, mountain bike, rock climb, back pack, and most anything in the mountains. Been working in the Tushar Range since 2010, exploring all I can. I have been dreaming of a guide business with my father for 10 years or so.

I have my PSIA level 2 certification, CPR and First aid certifications, as well as nearly 20 years teaching/guiding experience.

Colter TuckerColter Tucker - THAT Guide

I am a professional ski instructor, river guide, and comics geek.  Growing up (well getting taller) I began hiking, skiing and otherwise adventuring with my family. Recently I have fallen in love with the river, its been 3 years of guiding rivers now. There is just something about water, be it frozen or flowing, it draws me in.  I live where I work and love where I live.

Even though I am the younger brother I have all the cool certifications. Like PSIA level 2 instructor, WFR ( wilderness first responder), and guide certifications.

Jeron Tucker

Usually I was the quiet child when it comes to family adventures. That might be why I still get to go on them. I was always there taking in the outdoors and learning to love nature and exploring it in new ways. First and foremost it was skiing that I fell in love with, then snowboarding. Rock climbing was my next passion and then somehow mountain biking got thrown into the mix. I also enjoy backpacking, and slacklining. I couldn’t be more happy with what I do.

 I have been a ski/snowboard instructor for seven years now. I have also been a patroler for two years and most recently a mountain bike guide and tech. On top of all the adventures I can speak American Sign language and isiXhosa.

Teron Tucker - Guide BioTeron Tucker

I speak Kiswahili, so that’s cool right? I am really good at chasing things.  I have chased everything from African wildlife, to runaway snowboards. As the youngest member of the crew I have been chasing my brothers anywhere and everywhere.  Whether that is up cliffs, down rivers, across mountain ranges, or anywhere in between.  By following in their footsteps my love for the outdoors has become what it is today.  I really enjoy climbing, long boarding, trail running, slack lining, and skiing.  I have been teaching skiing for nearly seven years now and couldn’t ask for a better position.

Athena Tucker - THAT guide

Athena Tucker

“Ruff grrrrr,  GRRR RUFF!”  – Let’s go, come on!

“Grrr, grrr ruff (roll over)” – Pet my belly